Campus Map and Parking Information:
Here is a map of ONU https://www.onu.edu/admissions-aid/visit/campus-map
When you click to download a high resolution map, The Inn at Ohio Northern, where many of you will be staying, is 15. Dicke Hall, where presentations will take place on Friday the 14th, is 7. James Lehr Kennedy Engineering Building, where the Saturday sessions will be, is 17.
Conference organizers suggest that you park in the Inn lot, and walk to the various venues. There will be student guides standing by to help, and both buildings are less than 5 minutes from The Inn.
If you’re not staying at The Inn, and therefore can’t park in that lot, please contact Russ Crawford at so that he can arrange a parking pass for you.
Conference accommodations are provided by The Inn at Ohio Northern. The conference rate of $129/night is currently available through February 28, 2023. When you call for reservations, ask for the group rate and let them know that your group is the ONU History Department.
See the Conference Program for additional information about specific times and locations.