Teaching Award Nomination

2024 Distinguished Teaching Award

The Teaching Awards Committee of the Ohio Academy is inviting nominations for the 2024 awards. The award recognizes excellence in the teaching of history by faculty members who have shown sustained commitment to teaching. The winner does not have to be an OAH member. Faculty who are mid- to late careers are eligible. Department chairs and other faculty can write letters of nomination, although self-nominations are also acceptable. The nomination should also include a file of supporting evidence, such as syllabi, exams, student evaluations, peer evaluations, a statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee, and any other evidence the nominator thinks pertinent.

The letter and supporting evidence should be sent by email to the committee chair, (Alcira Dueñas, ) who then distributes the information to the other committee members.

Deadline for Nominations Submission: November 1st, 2023

Decision will be made on February 1st, 2024.

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