Publication Award Nomination

2024 Publication Award

The Ohio Academy of History invites nominations for its annual Outstanding Publication Award. The winning monograph should be well-crafted, well-written, dealing with a significant topic, and based on extensive research in primary sources.  Monographs on any historical topic are eligible, but they must be published between November 1, 2022, and October 31, 2023. Edited books and published primary sources are not eligible.  The authors must reside in the state of Ohio and be members of the Ohio Academy of History.  Authors may self-nominate. Books by previous winners may be considered, although no individual may win the award more than twice. Nominees should send one copy of the book directly to each member of the Publication Award Committee and to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Ohio Academy of History, Janet Bednarek. The package should also include a brief description of the book.

The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2023 and all submission must be post-marked by that date.

Committee Members:

Kathleen Smythe
Xavier University
1 Academic Mall
Cincinnati OH 45207-5161.

Kent Curtis
The Ohio State University
Department of History
1760 University Dr.
Mansfield OH 44906

Michael Carrafiello
2960 Southfield Drive
Beavercreek, OH 45434

Janet Bednarek (ex officio)
Department of History
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-1540

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